
Woohoo! In honor of this momentous occasion I'm gonna do a Q&A session. I know I haven't been super active, sorry about that, I've been super busy with debate and the holidays and stuff. I'll try and be a bit more active but anyways... So, send in any questions you have and I'll try to …

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The Increasing Wage Gap, and why it doesn’t matter

Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? I took a break for our family vacation (I thought) and it turned into a break for the rest of the summer. Well now that school is back in session, I figured I'd better start writing again. While I haven't been posting, I have been keeping up with …

Continue reading The Increasing Wage Gap, and why it doesn’t matter

The Backwards Cycle of Politics in America

Ever since the election process last year I have been getting more and more interested in politics, the economy (well, duh), and our government. I'm no expert but what I've noticed is that neither party seems to be for anything. They themselves would never admit it but each party only seems to be against each other …

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Book Review: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein

First off, sorry I'm late I could have sworn that I scheduled one today. Guess I should be glad that I didn't swear. This book has gotten a lot of bad raps IMHO undeservedly, while it is not as scientific as it could be, the claims he makes are backed up with adequate evidence. It's …

Continue reading Book Review: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein

The Pros and Cons of the Basic Income Theory

"Economic growth comes from entrepreneurs risking their own money, not from politicians risking your money." ~Burt Folsom, Professor of History at Hillsdale College. The basic income theory is a term I use to describe the idea that as technology grows, eventually we will get to a point where the only people that have a decent life …

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